Friday, August 24, 2007

Evidence Portfolio questions


Anonymous said...

Just wondered if anyone has an example of a story board as i have to do my first one for unit 406 and i'm not sure how to set it out.

Anonymous said...


tell me your email address, i have lads of them on my pc

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just picked up on this, I have the same query. How the heck do they want to see this stuff laid out?
Can you help?

Jinc72 said...

As the original poster my email is:

Thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

is there a rule on the time of the evidence used???

For example, i hav eloads of RA´s that were done 4 years ago, that i initiated...

I would love to use these as evidence but they are more than 3 years old. There again i can always use revisions...

Dave Parry

Anonymous said...

i think all evidence has to have been done within the last 2 years.

But as risk assessments need to be reviewed regularly just undertake the review process and jobs done.

Anonymous said...

Just started NVQ 4, trying to get my head around reflective accounts, any pointers anyone.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Accounts? Do you mean a storyboard.

If that is the case then you need to state what you do in your job role that has enabled you to meet the performance criteria of the unit.

Anonymous said...

Please could soone sen m some examples of storyboards,


Anonymous said...

I am having a thick moment, we have been asked to complete reflective accounts. I believe there are story boards out there which may stop me having my thick moments. Please could someone send me a link to a site or has anyone got examples of story boards. Your desperate NVQ 4 student.

Godwin said...

I am wondering if anyone has an example of a story board as i have to do my first one as I wish to start nvq 4 and i'm not sure how to set it out.
Regards and Best Wishes

Anonymous said...

Just started NVQ4, any usful adviceonhow to get started would be appreciated. Whats the best (easiest unit) to start with. Notimpressed with my tutor, i don't think he really understands what's required...maybe it's just me.

Anonymous said...

Same as all the previous

Just picked up on this, I have the same query. How the heck do they want to see this stuff laid out?
Can you help?


Anonymous said...

Make s seperate folder and copy all the evidence that you need

When you are typing your unit and talking about what you do, mention the evidence that is in you evidence portfolio. You may find numbering you evidence to help you more. So, for example if you are on 407 talking about risk assessments you can say "i have done a risk assessment on manual handling (see EV24) where it was job specific)

And just base your reports around the evidence. Talk about what you did and add in a evidence number that corresponds with your evidence portfolio (which will just be a massive file full of stuff that you have done at work ie) copies of meetings, RA's, SSW, policies, fire plans)

Number your evidence and cross reference it! cross reference meaning use it more than once. For example, if on another unit you are talking about policies again. use your policy as the evidence; or certain parts of it.

Good luck

PS- ask your assessor if you are stuck too, you are paying them to help you. Dont let them have an easy ride

Anonymous said...

Hi all, i am starting my NVQ4 first week in April and an really glad i picked this up from the IOSH site. Same theme as most of the other posts-any example(s) of story board(s) would be most appreciated.

Many Thanks

scoffer said...


I am trying to get to grips with the evidence requirements and would be really grateful to receive some examples to set me on my way

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Just wondered if anyone has an example of a story board as i have to do my first one for unit 406 and i'm not sure how to set it out.

Anonymous said...

Like most others here I'm starting NVQ4, I've decided on 410, now called HSP10/618. I'd like to see an example of a storyboard can anyone help?

Jojo said...

I have written a reflective account before, is the storyboard the same thing? Should it be laid out in any particular way or just as an essay?

Anonymous said...

I have just started nvq4 any one can help me by providing sample portfolio how it look like I have all the requried evidence my mail id

Steve said...

Can anybody tell me is this site still being used, Just started on my NVQ4 and came across this site. It looks as if I could gain alot of guidance, but all of the posts appear to be from 2007 2008?
Has anybody started the new format with the units starting with a 6?
